Office Fit-Out: Open Up Your Office Layout

If you are looking to set up a new office, there are two office layout plans you may want to consider. You can go for the traditional-style layout that features individual cubicles separated by interior walls. The other alternative is the open-plan set-up which allows employees to work in open areas rather than separate offices.

Many rental spaces are expensive to hire. That's why you should get the most out of your space by settling on the right office layout plan.

The following are a few reasons why you should consider the open-plan option for your office.

Economically Sound

Your office fit-out contractor will have less work on their hands if you settle for the open-plan office design. He or she will not have to erect interior walls within the office space, thus making the job less laborious. You can reasonably expect to pay less to fit out an open-plan office.

The open-plan option is also economical because it allows you to save on air conditioning costs within the office. With the traditional-style office set-up, separate offices will need separate heating and cooling, whereas the open-plan option requires only the centralised area to be air-conditioned.

It will still be easier for employees to share office supplies in an open-plan layout because they are next to each other. This means that you could easily spend less on office supplies such as stationery.

A Sense of Equality

Your employees are bound to feel a sense of equality in an open-plan office. This is because everyone works within the same area despite their position in the company's hierarchical order.

An open-plan office layout will put senior managers in the same place with their juniors, thereby making junior employees feel that they are being treated equally. This feeling of equality can easily translate into greater productivity from your employees.

Easier to Supervise

An open-plan office allows managers and supervisors to easily monitor employee activity without having to move in and out of separate offices, as would be the case with a tradition-style office set up.

Greater supervision means that the likelihood of employees slacking off during work hours is reduced and that it will be much easier to achieve maximum productivity during work hours.

To get your open-plan office layout set up in the right way, get in touch with a professional office fit-out contractor. Constant supervision will be a thing of the past. 
